To view each blog post just click on the respective Blog Post Title.
Applying a Formula to Many Rows in Excel
Ascertaining the folder path using a Macro
Assigning security rights to specific cells within a MS Excel worksheet
Calculating Seniority of Active Employees Using MS Excel
Copy a data set from one range into a different range/tab
Counting the Number of Unique Values Displayed after Applying a Filter in MS Excel
Counting unique values in Excel
Cracking Passwords on Protected MS Excel Tabs!
Creating a Gantt chart using Conditional Formatting in MS Excel
Creating Conditional SUM, MAX, and MIN formulas using Arrays
Creating Timestamps in MS Excel Using Keyboard Shortcut
Delete content of cells which cells have a specific background color
Delete unwanted rows using Vlookup in MS Excel
Deleting all Rows which Contain a Certain Value Within Any Field of the Row
Deleting Blank Cells in MS Excel - Exclusively Using Your Keyboard!
Finding ranges that don’t have blank values in MS Excel
Getting the maximum values in one column based on unique values in another column
Highlight alternate data groupings in MS Excel
Highlight alternate data groupings in MS Excel – Blank Cells Filtered
Highlight alternating grouping of data in Excel - taking into account blanks (method#2)
Highlight only a part of the text within a cell in MS Excel
Highlight the rows whenever cell values change in a data set
How to add the Developer toolbar to the ribbon
How to capture the name of a MS Excel worksheet tab in any given cell
How to check if a cell matches specific text in MS Excel
How to convert a data column into a comma-delimited list in MS Excel
How to count the number of records that match multiple criteria
How to create line breaks (or carriage returns) in MS Excel
How to create a dynamic VLOOKUP in MS EXCEL
How to Email only one (of many) tabs/worksheets directly through MS Excel
How to export all MS Excel tabs
How to find cells that contain all of many words
How to highlight non present values using conditional formatting
How to summarize monthly data into quarters in MS Excel
How to transfer folder names within a windows folder into MS Excel
How to turn off auto-correct in MS Excel
How to use the OFFSET Formula in Excel
Inserting Duplicate Rows Based on Numeric Values in a column
Inserting duplicate rows (from multiple columns) based on numeric column values
Keyboard Shortcut for Auto-fitting Column Width in MS Excel
Preventing Hidden Cells From Being Pasted Into The Spreadsheet
Replacing Duplicate Values in a Column with Blank Cells in MS Excel
Sum alternate groupings of data in MS Excel
Sum cells in MS Excel based on background color
Transfer data from multiple excel sheets into a single repository
Two way lookup with VLOOKUP
Using Conditional If Statemens in MS Excel
Using Slicers in MS Excel
Using the ISTEXT Function of Excel in String Concatenations
Using Wildcards in a VLOOKUP!
VlOOKUP in MS Excel
VLOOKUP Not Working!
Ascertaining the folder path using a Macro
Assigning security rights to specific cells within a MS Excel worksheet
Calculating Seniority of Active Employees Using MS Excel
Copy a data set from one range into a different range/tab
Counting the Number of Unique Values Displayed after Applying a Filter in MS Excel
Counting unique values in Excel
Cracking Passwords on Protected MS Excel Tabs!
Creating a Gantt chart using Conditional Formatting in MS Excel
Creating Conditional SUM, MAX, and MIN formulas using Arrays
Creating Timestamps in MS Excel Using Keyboard Shortcut
Delete content of cells which cells have a specific background color
Delete unwanted rows using Vlookup in MS Excel
Deleting all Rows which Contain a Certain Value Within Any Field of the Row
Deleting Blank Cells in MS Excel - Exclusively Using Your Keyboard!
Finding ranges that don’t have blank values in MS Excel
Getting the maximum values in one column based on unique values in another column
Highlight alternate data groupings in MS Excel
Highlight alternate data groupings in MS Excel – Blank Cells Filtered
Highlight alternating grouping of data in Excel - taking into account blanks (method#2)
Highlight only a part of the text within a cell in MS Excel
Highlight the rows whenever cell values change in a data set
How to add the Developer toolbar to the ribbon
How to capture the name of a MS Excel worksheet tab in any given cell
How to check if a cell matches specific text in MS Excel
How to convert a data column into a comma-delimited list in MS Excel
How to count the number of records that match multiple criteria
How to create line breaks (or carriage returns) in MS Excel
How to create a dynamic VLOOKUP in MS EXCEL
How to Email only one (of many) tabs/worksheets directly through MS Excel
How to export all MS Excel tabs
How to find cells that contain all of many words
How to highlight non present values using conditional formatting
How to summarize monthly data into quarters in MS Excel
How to transfer folder names within a windows folder into MS Excel
How to turn off auto-correct in MS Excel
How to use the OFFSET Formula in Excel
Inserting Duplicate Rows Based on Numeric Values in a column
Inserting duplicate rows (from multiple columns) based on numeric column values
Keyboard Shortcut for Auto-fitting Column Width in MS Excel
Preventing Hidden Cells From Being Pasted Into The Spreadsheet
Replacing Duplicate Values in a Column with Blank Cells in MS Excel
Sum alternate groupings of data in MS Excel
Sum cells in MS Excel based on background color
Transfer data from multiple excel sheets into a single repository
Two way lookup with VLOOKUP
Using Conditional If Statemens in MS Excel
Using Slicers in MS Excel
Using the ISTEXT Function of Excel in String Concatenations
Using Wildcards in a VLOOKUP!
VlOOKUP in MS Excel
VLOOKUP Not Working!
Creating Views Using the Graphical Explorer
Normalization Explained
UNION Compatibility
Using a Scalar Function to Calculate Employee Seniority
Using a View to Rename Columns
Using DDL Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server
Normalization Explained
UNION Compatibility
Using a Scalar Function to Calculate Employee Seniority
Using a View to Rename Columns
Using DDL Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server
Adjusting the size of PDF output files for Webi reports
Creating a Cross Tab in Webi
Creating a Publication in SAP BusinessObjects LaunchPad
Creating a Simple Dashboard Using SAP BusinessObjects DashBoard Tool
Creating dynamic value filters for Webi reports
Creating table breaks and removing repeat headers in a Webi report
Essential report information for header and footer of a Webi report
ForAll Formula in Webi
ForEach Formula in Webi
Getting rid of Div/Zero problem in Webi
How to add an image (logo) to a Webi report
How to add a table footer in a Webi report
How to add data labels to select elements in a Webi graph
How to add non-transparent filters in a Webi report
How to change the color of negative percentage values in WebI reports
How to change the default landing page in SAP BI Launchpad
How to create a dual axis column and line graph in a Webi report
How to create a header and footer in a Webi report
How to display table headers on all pages of a Webi report
How to get the top N values displayed in a Webi report
How to select multiple values from a filter in a Webi report
How to sort multiple fields in Webi
HTML vs Applet mode in Webi
Issue with leading zeros in webi
Invalid Identifier error in Webi
Merging dimensions in Webi and its benefits
Replacing a predated MS Excel file with a new one in SAP BusinessObjects
Resolving “No data to retrieve from query” error in Webi
Syntax for counting unique values in Webi
The Difference between a Dimension and a Measure in Data Management
ToNumber () Function in Webi
Use of “In” and “Where” operators in Webi
User response function in Webi
Creating a Cross Tab in Webi
Creating a Publication in SAP BusinessObjects LaunchPad
Creating a Simple Dashboard Using SAP BusinessObjects DashBoard Tool
Creating dynamic value filters for Webi reports
Creating table breaks and removing repeat headers in a Webi report
Essential report information for header and footer of a Webi report
ForAll Formula in Webi
ForEach Formula in Webi
Getting rid of Div/Zero problem in Webi
How to add an image (logo) to a Webi report
How to add a table footer in a Webi report
How to add data labels to select elements in a Webi graph
How to add non-transparent filters in a Webi report
How to change the color of negative percentage values in WebI reports
How to change the default landing page in SAP BI Launchpad
How to create a dual axis column and line graph in a Webi report
How to create a header and footer in a Webi report
How to display table headers on all pages of a Webi report
How to get the top N values displayed in a Webi report
How to select multiple values from a filter in a Webi report
How to sort multiple fields in Webi
HTML vs Applet mode in Webi
Issue with leading zeros in webi
Invalid Identifier error in Webi
Merging dimensions in Webi and its benefits
Replacing a predated MS Excel file with a new one in SAP BusinessObjects
Resolving “No data to retrieve from query” error in Webi
Syntax for counting unique values in Webi
The Difference between a Dimension and a Measure in Data Management
ToNumber () Function in Webi
Use of “In” and “Where” operators in Webi
User response function in Webi
How to highlight all repeating words in MS Word
How to Start Page Numbering at a Specific Page in MS Word
Searching for Whole Words in MS Word/Excel
How to Start Page Numbering at a Specific Page in MS Word
Searching for Whole Words in MS Word/Excel
How to do a word wrap in Notepad
How to find images that are free to share
Receiving “Read Receipts” in MS Outlook
The “at” symbol on my keyboard Stopped working! How to fix it?
How to find images that are free to share
Receiving “Read Receipts” in MS Outlook
The “at” symbol on my keyboard Stopped working! How to fix it?